
Recipe of Super Quick Grilled Prawns

  • By Rebecca Vasquez
  • 05 Jul, 2020
Recipe of Super Quick Grilled Prawns
Recipe of Super Quick Grilled Prawns

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page. Today I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, Grilled Prawns. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Grilled Prawns Recipe. Skewer a shrimp and roast it with just a pinch of salt. Is very easy to cook.

You can have Grilled Prawns using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Grilled Prawns

  1. Prepare 1/5 kg of prawn.
  2. It’s 3 tbsp of sweet soy sauce.
  3. Make ready 1 tbsp of margarine.

Grilling shrimps on skewers seems to be a common way of cooking them in Angola, it works well Put the prawns on the skewers and brush with sauce.Grill until done (they should lose their translucent.Grilled Prawns is a very popular recipe.Learn how to make/prepare Grilled Prawns by following this simple & easy recipe.

Grilled Prawns step by step

  1. Put 2-3 prawns in a row with the skeeewers..
  2. Heat the margarine until it melts, mix it with sweet soy sauce, stir them well..
  3. With cooking brush, wash the prawn skewer with margarine and sweet soy sauce mix and grill it until it turs golden..
  4. Serve it while its hot..

Brush butter over prawns and place under a hot grill, with little olive oil.Remove prawns from heat and arrange on platter, drizzle left over butter sauce from grill, garnish with parsley and squeeze over.Grilling prawns: Large raw shell-on prawns can be grilled either on a griddle, under a hot grill or on the BBQ in the summer.

Grilled prawn is a Indian style prawn dish which could be cooked with ease.Grilled Prawn Recipe in Urdu & English available at viewer or guest of the show, who may not be a professional cook, provided this recipe.Serve these immediately with the dressing and the reserved mint leaves.Skip the skewer and learn to grill prawns like a chef!